Sabtu, 07 Januari 2012

Bila Wanita di Masukkan dalam Rumus

UAS pun tiba

Perkenalkan nama ku Almas Pratama Indrasti
Twitter :@almaspi
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UAS pun hampir tiba dan aku masih gag merasa bahwa inilah akhir dari semester 1 yang sangat indah ini , sangat indah karena di semester satu lah kami mengenal Student day hari hari dimana ospek lanjutan berlanjut
Di semester satu kami pun baru mengenal kondisi kampus dimana kesalahan kami pun dimaklumkan hanya dengan perkataan "maklum MABA" haaha memang sedikit agak konyol melihat tingkah Maba yang mencoba menjai seorang aktivis ataupun tokoh di kampusnya . Namun hal tersebut tidaklah salah semangat MABA merupakan semangat pembaharuan dimana kami masih berpikir idealis tanpa ada tumpang tindih golongan apapun .

Selamat Tinggal MABA
Selamat Datang Mahasiswa

Senin, 14 November 2011

My Psychology Task


A.General Point of View Inception Movie in Psychology
Inception is the scientific fiction movie from United States of America. This Movie tell us about Donn Cob “the ekstractor” that must placing a new mindset in a mind from their target .The ekstraktor is hired by someone that want to re-concept a mind of their enemy .This movie make us imagine how to placed and know  a strong base concept or mindset of people that must we change into what we want. This is an excellent movie that already I watched and also have a strong connected with my Psychology class.
Inception is a movie that full of Psychology aspects , we can see from the emotion and mental playing in this movie. They play about someone memory , someone mindset , and try to change it for their purpose. Beside that they are the emotional feeling from the main actor. This is not the only psychological journey that happens in the film, as Cobb’s journey is paralleled by that of Robert Fischer, the target of the dream invaders. Fischer’s father is dying leaving both the state of the family corporation and the father-son relationship unresolved. In Inception, Robert Fischer’s journey ends with him resolving his relationship with his wounded father and saving his ‘kingdom’ by learning that he had always wanted him to be his own man and not try and be his father – which, as we learn at the end – is at the core of his subconscious. Again, this is not an interpretation; it is the literal truth of the film.

In modern Psychology views this movies showing about Humanistic Psychology that emphasizes the inner-self and the importance of subjective feelings. We saw in this movie we feel what the Donn fell and understand what he really fell. Beside his professionalism in his job but he still have another feeling about a darkness of his past.
In cognitive psychology focuses on mental functioning and reasoning. Inception movie told us about a Donn mental and his main reason to get his freedom again. From this movie we will learn why he want to risk his life just for his freedom . we will learn about a hidden ability from human to reach their goal.

B.  Perceiption and Sensation in Inception Movie
            There are times Cobb prefers to live with the illusion that he and Mel are still together in his dreams, when in reality they are separated by her death. And the fact is Cobb will never move beyond Disunity until he is willing give up that attachment to Mel and those memories. Of course, Cobb has been struggling with this because of the single biggest psychological dynamic that exists within his psyche: Guilt. That guilt is like a shadow cast upon everything Cobb does and all who he is. He even admits it directly to Mal in this exchange:
Mal: “You keep telling yourself what you know. But what do you believe? What do you feel?”
Cobb: “Guilt.”
Guilt due to the fact that he planted an idea in Mal’s mind which led her to believe that the dream state is real and reality is a dream — eventually leading to her suicide. Despite the enormous pain Cobb feels because of his guilt, he is unwilling to give that up because to do it would be to give up Mal. As long as the guilt is real, Mal is ‘real.’ Indeed, his psychological meaning is so tied up with Mal that her talisman (the spinning top) becomes his talisman.
            In this movie too we want to see how Donn Cob try to avoid the existence of his wife . sometimes he cannot separated about the reality , about the world in his target minds , his imagination. all of that become ones and make himself confuse. but its only his perception , all of us know if we have a different perception about one thing but we have a same opinion too about one thing, In this movie perception of Dom Cobb is created by his past , so it make him felt guilty about the death of his children and his wife. He feel cannot help his family and feel all of this is his responsibility (his perception).His perception make his mind is complicated , make his feeling so guilty .Perception can make our mindset about something , its controlled our felling too. From that perception is producing a sensation that fall by individual person. we can define that Sensation is detecting stimuli from the body or environment. stimuli it can from the situation at the environment but when we detected that sensation , the result is difference between individual. and then when we define perception , perception is organizing sensation into meaningful patterns. The meaningful patterns not only a good form but also a bad and hurt form can be.
C. Motivation in Inception Movie
            So many people called if this movie is a masterpiece  in 2010 . Break an issue if a blockbuster movie cannot get a good rate from a criticus. Okay this is not what I want to explain but not only about memory when I saw this film again , its memorize me about motivation. How the Dom Cobb try to live far away from his family it causes his mistake that killed his family and it approval by a court. As the punishment is he must live with sin and a dark age in his life. He must prove that he is not guilty and can keep his life going  with a peace. But unfortunately his memory about his wife its so strong in his mind, even he cannot think normally when he imagine about his wife. Just like I said before , motivation can be a best thing that he had to reach his goal. In Psychology class we learned about motivation. Motivation is a base thing that we have and a simply reason that can explain why we must keep life going. Motivation can explain “why we do and what we do” from this case (inception) that Dom Cobb have a dark past in his life and made his life harder , he feel guilty with his sin. But with only a big motivation in his life. He want to cleaning his name so he can life with peace. With this one goal he can cleaning his name .
In this movie we can see a high effort from someone to reach their goal for an important thing in their life. A motif can pushes our self to do something that out of the box . In this movie we see that Donn must entering 3 stratification of someone dreaming. They must through a strict security system in fischers dreaming . They must do an  impossible thing they are planting a new mindset in someone mind. We knew that is an impossible mission but he accepted it cause the prize is a freedom for him for his criminality record. This motif make someone want to do something that imaginary. Motivation can make us do something incredible, out of the box , something cannot be imaginary but we want to do it because we needed and we want it , really – really want it
D. Memory in Inception Movie
            I remembered about memory lesson in psychology when we talk about mindset we cannot separate that with how brain work and also about memory. Mindset is made by people itself and created by the environment. So we called this one with a base concept/long term memory that can be a way how to think . The core concept of Inception Movie is how we entering a mind from an important people deeper , deeper and more deeper and then change their mind set into our concept in their mind.
            It can be a real thing ? maybe in the real world we can have a big affect with someone mindset , we can have an important role with someone decision. But in this movie the way how to change a mindset someone is described with amazingly way. they make a people can entering another people and entering more deeper . More  deeper we can enter to someone mindset its more stronger the concept that we placed it in their mindset but also the risk is higher too. In the real life when our  behave is controlled by our mindset and our mindset is created by our environment. So if someone have a good environment  , they behave also good too. forget about their behave (good or bad) but a mindset that they have is strong enough to be change and almost impossible to change it.
            In memory lesson we knew that our memory have 2 types : There is Short term memory and Long term memory. In this movie we can knew that intensity of meeting, our feeling (love, hate, fear) can influences our memory . In this movie , we will see the scene in this movie told about Donn that have a problem with his wife and make his wife died. His memory about his wife is haunted him in whatever he do . That is a proof that someone we loved are placed in our long term memory.             
E. Learning in Inception Movie
            In learning section we knew that if learning is a process that changed our behave  based on their experience. This theory develop into a behaviorism theory . Learning is an impact the exist of stimuli – response , someone assumed has been study if he can show a changing of their behavior. In this movie we will see if the Donn behave is changed when he lost his children and his wife it means he learned if entering a someone dream is dangerous and can make someone lost control . So in his duty he always make a perfection planning to prepare his job.
            Donn to teach us to do not make a same mistakes again in this mission  and make a right decision for a safety of group , that we knew that his memory about his wife is always disrupt him when he must make an important decision in an urgent time.

Kamis, 10 November 2011

Melebarnya Sayap Kapitalis

Artikel ini saya buat saat pagi hari , pas sekali saat saya melihat berita di tv yang menayangkan ketua pakar partai nasdem yaitu bos pertelevisian Indonesia bapak Harry Tanoesoedibjo.Mungkin ini biasa lah bagi orang yang memiliki uang lalu menguasai media dan terjung di dunia perpolitikan dengan misi membenahi kehidupan rakyat. Kita semua sebagai rakyat mungkin telah bosan dengan janji - janji politik yang hanyalah janji namun kita tetap menghargai pemerintahan yang berdaulat saat ini.Lalu muncullah jargon - jargon yang menyatakan bahwa yang dapat mengubah bangsa kita hanyalah pengusaha dengan hitungan matematis para ahli tersebut menakar bahwa kita butuh 4 persen pengusaha di Indonesia untuk mengembangkan kesejahteraan rakyat.Sekarang dengan adanya penelitian tersebut banyak sekali para pengusaha yang berbondong - bondong terjun ke dunia politik dengan misi mensejahterakan rakyat.Bukannya saya tidak setuju apabila para pengusaha dan pemilik modal menjadi agen pemerintahan bahkan nabi saya Rasulullah sebelum Beliau menjadi kepala pemerintahan di Madinah ia pun seorang pengusaha namun ia sukses memisahkan dan memposisikan diri dimana Beliau sebagai Pedagang dan dimana Beliau sebagai seorang pemimpin.

Bagaimana dengan orang - orang bisnis yang sedang mengikuti trend dunia politik muncullah pertanyaan yang besar apabila seorang individu saja apabila diberi amanah mereka juga masih memiliki kepentingan golongan bagaimanakan dengan seorang pengusaha yang bila dilihat golongan yang ia bawa adalah kepunyaannya sendiri ? Hal ini sungguh mengelitik coba kita lihat kemaren saat KIB JILID 1 apa saja yang telah dihasilkan oleh Menko Kesra saat itu .Hingga ia akhirnya tidak menjadi menteri lagi .Karena kebanyakan dari mereka lebih mementingkan kepentingan golongan , dimulai dari Partai , Keluarga , Perusahaan ,Pribadi sehingga kepentingan rakyat tidak pernah terpikirkan.Ini bukanlah yang kita inginkan , saya bukan menafikkan kemampuan para kapitaler yang telah memiliki usaha yang besar di tengah gonjang ganjing ekonomi tapi yang saya tanyakan adalah apakah mereka sendiri yakin dengan kemampuan mereka untuk membuat ataupun melaksanakan peraturan yang pro-rakyat.

Sebagai mahasiswa yang memiliki social control saya melihat bahwa fenomena ini hanyalah sebuah momentum yang pas bagi mereka para pemilik modal (pengusaha)/kapitaler (bahasa saya) untuk merambah dunia politik dan mempengaruhi bahkan membuat sendiri peraturan negara yang sesuai dengan mood dan kepentingan mereka.Bukan hanya kepentingan partai saja tapi kepentingan perusahaan agar bisa tetap eksis di dunia ekonomi.

Jadi apakah kita masih bisa mempercayai arah dan tujuan negara kita di tangan orang yang bahkan nasionalisme terhadap bangsanya masih dapat di goyangkan dengan sejumlah uang ?

saya tidak mengajak anda untuk tidak percaya tapi saya mengajak anda (khususnya kaum intelektual) untuk dapat berpikir dua kali dengan mengadakan analisis untuk menjadikan dan memilih calon pemimpin kita nantinya

Rabu, 09 November 2011


Para ABG ini rela membuka baju mereka demi internet

apakah sebegini parahnya bangsa kita

ngeres duluan deh

Hanya di China

Hanya di china nih gan seorang pria yang mabuk berat

dia nyedot toket cewek nya si siang bolong ditengah keramaian kota 
(yg cowok gw tau lo iri )

apakah hal tersebut menyalahi hukum ???

Jumat, 09 September 2011

Alasan Orang Asing Tidak Menyukai Orang Indonesia

1 . Orang Indonesia gak bisa antri

2. Orang Indonesia suka mengurusi urusan orang lain

"kebiasaan ibu-ibu"

3 . Orang lain kalau bersalah minta maaf.
Orang Indonesia kalau bersalah

malah tertawa

"kurang ajar"

Indonesia itu negara surga. Saya salah jalan, ditilang polisi, saya sodori Rp 20.000. Beres! Kalau di negara saya, SIM saya disita, saya harus ke pengadilan, makan biaya, makan waktu lama, bikin capek"

"damai itu indah"

Orang Indonesia pintar menyulap angka. Saya suruh anak buah saya beli pompa air listrik. Ia menyerahkan bon resmi bernilai Rp 2,5 juta. Belakangan saya tahu harganya cuma Rp 2,1 juta

"tukang ngibul"

Jam karet! Janji jam 10.00, datang jam 11.00.
Kalau janji temu meleset, HP-nya sulit dihubungi